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Automation and the Impact on Jobs

A decade ago, automation was thought of as innovative, efficient and the future of how we manufacture. However, there is a growing fear that jobs are being digitalized and sometimes even going to robots. According to an article by Forbes (Source) the many low skill jobs are going to be automated away but countless more will be created by the new technology as rising economic growth empowers consumers to spend more on services which will lead to higher job gains for the service industry. Automation opens more opportunities for employees looking to get ahead within a company sometimes even creating new positions.

According to Deloitte Consulting LLP director, Matt Highfield (Source) factories of the future will be “lower touch” and more automated. What does this mean? It cuts costs and boosts productivity. Companies that can reduce labor costs means more capital for the company to expand and create higher-paying positions. (Source) 56% of global companies do some type of automation. It makes companies stronger, faster and provides a competitive edge.

How does BestPack boost efficiency and expand your business?
One of BestPack’s customers in Idaho was recently acquired by a larger company. The new owners transformed its packaging line by adding four additional lines of product produced by the new parent company. They were able to accomplish this with BestPack’s high end CSX33 machines. A fully automatic random carton sealer that allowed them to get more orders out the door as well as reassign the operators moved to another area in the facility.

BestPack even has influenced the egg industry with its expanding business and is within an egg facility located in Texas. They had semi-automatic 3M carton sealers that just weren’t sealing cartons at the speeds they needed. We reached out to the company and offered them a CSEG. This is a carton sealer specifically made to seal egg cartons. This machine made it capable to seal the same number of boxes three hours faster than before. Which in turn made the entire facility leave three hours earlier providing a lot of savings to the company. Because of the accumulated savings, the company expanded its business by constructing another hen house to obtain more chickens which resulted in more egg production.

With over 35+ years in the industry, we have maintained a record of providing companies with various solutions that continually boost production and save customers money. We are proud to have an offering of over 120+ standard solutions to choose from. If you need something unique, we also offer a custom-built solution for your specific application. We know that this could be overwhelming for some so here are a few carton sealers to help you get started on your automation journey.

For simple automation, check out our MSD Simple system. This solution is a fully equipped adjustable uniform carton sealer that comes with casters and conveyors. It’s the perfect system for companies that want to get away from hand taping and automate instead.

What if you’re in the market for something more advanced? We offer our one of a kind CSS. A fully automatic random carton sealer and our high-end machine for large volume jobs. It can reach speeds of up to 30 cartons/min. This is BestPack’s top of the line carton sealer

For more information on how you can get yourself automated please contact us here

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