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National Sword: The Effect’s of China’s Policy Ban

February 3, 2020

Due to China’s National Sword Policy, companies are scrambling to find a more sustainable solution! BestPack is doing our part by providing products that encourage recycling and reduce a company’s carbon footprint.

BestPack’s Sustainable Packaging Revolution

January 17, 2020

The world is becoming more polluted everyday due to tons of waste being produced by companies looking to make profits at the cost of our environment. BestPack is doing our part for the planet by providing sustainable products that will reduce a companies carbon footprint.

Take advantage of section 179 before it’s too late!

December 10, 2019

With the end of 2019 just a few short weeks away, it’s undoubtedly crossed your mind to start talking to your CPA and figuring out your end of year fiscal spend and how to best utilize this for tax deductions. Since time is very short, we decided to help you by highlighting how Section 179 of the IRS Tax-Code can benefit your business and what BestPack can do to help you with this.

Prepare For Next Years Biggest Shopping Days With BestPack Automation

November 5, 2019

With the increasing boom in shopping and sales throughout Black Friday, Cyber Monday and continuing through to the end of the year, it’s vitally important to ensure your brand is well set up to capitalize upon this time of the year. In this article we help you to take advantage of solutions designed to increase your brand’s efficiency in handling the holiday shopping rush. If you aren’t ready this year, we can help you get ready for next year.

Beat The Holiday Shopping Rush With BestPack

October 7, 2019

With October already here, the holiday shopping rush is upon us! Learn about what this means across various industries, the predictions of how this will impact businesses in the consumer goods field and how we here at BestPack can help you to make this shopping season the easiest and most productive for you.

Taking Advantage of Section 179

September 23, 2019

As we are coming towards the end of 2019 you, as a business owner, will need to ensure all your ducks are in a neat row when it comes to your taxes! In this article, we will simplify and explain to you what exactly Section 179 of the Tax Code is and how you can correctly use it to the benefit of yourself and your business! 

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