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Covid-19 Disruptions in Your Supply Chain

In March 2020 when Covid-19 hit it created a disruption in global markets around the world. Originating from Wuhan, China the virus quickly spread and shutdown many manufacturing plants in the province which then spread on a global level. Because of this companies have been challenged with having to react and adapt to the ongoing pandemic by finding other ways to obtain supplies.

China’s role as the “world’s factory” meant that any disruption would put global supply chains at risk according to an article by Deloitte. The disruption caused a shortage of supply and raw materials which spurred demand for essential needs from face masks, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and more.

6 months after the pandemic hit and companies are still recovering from the vulnerabilities that Covid-19 exposed. According to Harvard Business Review some companies have started turning toward domestic production to reduce their risk on foreign manufacturing methods. The focus now is to continually maintain supply and meet customer needs. The question now is are your supply lines secure? Do you have the right automation to handle a resurgence? If you partner with BestPack you’ll always have quality machines & carton sealing tape to package your products and meet the demand this pandemic has created.

BestPack inventories a full line of carton sealing tape in 4 different warehouses around the United States. We also inventory a wide range of machines and spare parts in our CA headquarters to ensure that you get the solutions and support you need when you need it!

Need help looking for a BestPack solution? Contact us today and we can assist you!


  • https://hbr.org/2020/09/global-supply-chains-in-a-post-pandemic-worldHBR Source
  • https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ca/Documents/finance/Supply-Chain_POV_EN_FINAL-AODA.pdf
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