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BestPack is doing it’s part amid the COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19 has caused widespread panic throughout the world showing how globally connected we are. It’s shutting down countries and events that symbolize that connection. From sporting events, museums, theaters, clubs, social gatherings, the list goes on and on. The virus has shown us that the health and well-being of ourselves & our family are more important than sports or glamour. We are facing a global emergency according to the world health organization (source). COVID-19 cases have surpassed 1 million people around the world and the virus continues to spread with the United States leading with the most cases. We’ve even started to see shortages in essential medical supplies like ventilators which New York is currently lacking. (source) In a joint effort to combat the much-needed medical supplies Ford, GE, and 3M have announced that they will be combining both resources and expertise to get as many ventilators, respirators, and medical protective equipment to save as many people as they could. (source).

On top of the shutting down of America’s economy, workers deemed “essential” are being asked to put their health and well being on the front lines with a bare minimum on return. The virus has caused a labor crisis forcing many workers from amazon warehouses, whole foods, General Electric, and other companies to strike, protest, and even call sick-outs. (source) With a shortage in both essential supplies and medical workers, automation has become a more desirable move for companies to continue meeting the high demand to combat the virus today.

BestPack is doing its part by staying open to make sure our products can help the fulfillment centers, food processing plants, medical suppliers and many more industries that are “essential” for American life.

According to one partner in the food industry, they mentioned: “This RS22 is going to a production line that is shipping lunches to schools for distribution for school disadvantaged lunch program that people can pick up at school since they are closed at this time.”

Another partner in the medical industry talked about our MS20 carton sealers saying, “Thanks for getting them out quickly. BestPack is helping fight COVID-19 with this shipment of carton sealers. These carton sealers are taping the bottoms of premade cooler boxes for the pharma industry for rapid shipping of samples.”

Giving back is part of BestPack’s mission to be socially responsible for our community. With this virus hurting companies around the US it is our responsibility to provide solutions in automation to keep them running and prevent loss of jobs. With over 120+ solutions to choose from and a full line of carton sealing tape, BestPack is ready to get you through the tough times and get your production line running again!

Contact us at sales@bestpack.com to learn more about how we can make sure your business is continuing to run. We are in this together!






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