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Section 179 & Your Business

Most people think the Section 179 deduction is some complicated or mysterious tax code (likely from the name) when it really is quite simple. We thought we would take the time to explain it for you and how it can help you.

Essentially, Section 179 of the IRS tax code allows businesses to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment purchased during the tax year you are currently in. That means that if you buy a piece of equipment for your business, you can deduct the COMPLETE purchase price from your gross income. This was created by the government to create motivation for businesses to invest into themselves.

Before the Section 179 of the IRS Tax-Code came into existence, businesses typically would write off the purchase of equipment over time through calculating the depreciation of the equipment. Though this was better than no write-off at all, it wasn’t the same as being able to write off the full purchase price of the equipment in that same year, which is a much larger tax write-off on the short term.

How can BestPack help you take advantage of Section 179?

As we come to the close of 2018, now is the time to enhance and upgrade your businesses packaging line and utilize this tax deduction.

BestPack is the leading solution provider in the packaging industry and as such has full customization for automatic and semi-automatic machines designed to fit your packaging line and increase your businesses efficiency and professionalism, saving you money over time.

  • Quality – There are plenty of machines out there, but none that last as long or perform as well as ours do over time. Often times our customers will have their machine for 30+ years without the need for any repairs or special maintenance. And we take great pride in that fact. Our whole business is built around the idea that quality comes above all else in providing you with the best machinery possible.
  • Innovation – BestPack has garnered the reputation for being the leading packaging solution provider for a reason. When it comes to the whole process of packaging, we have analyzed every angle and worked out solutions to every problem that could come up and created machinery to solve it all. As an example, our basic model MSD can be altered to an MSDBF, an MS Bottom only, or even an MSD 6-inch depending on the customer application. On top of that BestPack’s carton sealers are versatile and can be customized to fit any customer application which leads to our next point on customization.
  • Customization – What if our innovations don’t work with your application? That’s okay! BestPack is known for customizing any solution to your specific application. Fill out an application form and send it to sales@bestpack.com. Our technicians will find or customize a solution that fits your specific application.

Now, if you are really looking for the best and biggest bang for your buck when purchasing any of our carton sealers, you have to take into consideration which machine is right for you.

A good example is our ELVS. This machine is a high speed uniform carton erector with one of the smallest footprints in the market today and can be customized to fit into any packaging line. This machine can erect 10-15 cartons per minute and doesn’t require an operator to run the machine.

It’s safe to say that our machinery will get you the best results for your money. Not just as a great tax write-off for this year but also as a solid investment  into automating your packaging line or enhancing your existing packaging line.

Based on: The Section 179 Tax Code

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