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Supply Chain Disruption & BestPack

Covid-19 has caused a wave of uncertainty and exposed vulnerabilities that businesses are struggling to deal with. This is especially the case with businesses that depend on China to manufacture finished products. According to an analysis article by Deloitte, over 200 of the fortune global 500 firms have a presence in Wuhan, where the outbreak originated. China’s role as the world’s factory has impacted global supply chains and has significantly disrupted growth in many sectors.

The global supply chain made headlines over the lack of masks and ventilators in the health care sector, the shutting down of meat-processing plants causing shortages in meat products, and the lack of toilet paper and hand gel caused by consumers hoarding. With so many more sectors being affected it’s hard to predict whether companies will be able to successfully reopen. An April survey by the Institute of supply management reported that 95% of U.S. companies expected their supply chains to be disrupted by the coronavirus and that almost half expected to reduce their revenue targets by an average of 22%.

Over the past few months, we’ve seen companies having to reroute supply chains, reduce services, temporarily shut down stores, and more in order to stay afloat during the epidemic. Supply chain disruption is not just the raw materials to produce goods, it’s consumer staples that help companies your goods from point A to point B. This could be the box you use to package your goods to the tape is used to seal your goods.

When you work with BestPack we have a commitment to making sure you get quality products and are well supplied. We have 4 warehouses across America full of carton sealing tape and ready to ship. Each warehouse contains multiple SKUs of hot melt, acrylic, and our exclusive BG acrylic tape lines. For more info on our SKUs click here. Our suppliers have assured us that there are no shortages in raw materials and can continue maintaining our supply. You get peace of mind of getting your packages out with BestPack quality tape! Contact us today to learn more about BestPack!


  • https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/15/this-is-the-critical-link-to-successfully-reopening-the-us-economy.html
  • https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/operations/articles/covid-19-managing-supply-chain-risk-and-disruption.html
  • https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/29/business/china-coronavirus-economy.html
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